May 2021


Welcome to YEP-D Workshop 2021,

For its sixth event since 2016, YEP-D Workshop is now open for your

applications. Due to continuing COVID-19 pandemic, our organizing committee evaluated

the current conditions and concluded that conducting the event as usual, which

means convening in an actual venue for the workshop, might present challenges

in terms of participants’ health. For this reason, per the organizing committee’s

decision, YEP-D 2021 will be happening online.

As we do every year, we present you the following frequently asked questions

and answers part, in order to provide the essential information about YEP-D.

Q1. What is YEP-D?

YEP-D is a 36-hour marathon of economic policymaking simulation, which aims

to provide its participants insights and real time policymaking experience

through scenarios that address a different type of economic problem in each


Q2. Are there any prerequisites for application?

Anyone who is at their 3rd and 4th year in their undergraduate economics

studies, as well as first year graduate economics students are qualified to apply

for participation. Selection committee evaluates applications on a merit-based

system. This year, some of the scenarios will most probably require you to use

statistical softwares, thus having a fundamental level of knowledge on one of

those programmes (R, Stata, even MS Excel) is highly recommended.

Q3. Are participants going to work on their own or as teams?

Teamwork is an essential part of YEP-D. There will be 5 teams, formed as teams

of 5 participants. One of the goals of YEP-D is to promote teamwork, foster

students’ ability to communicate on complex issues in an efficient way and

cultivate more efficient decision making processes.

Q4. What are the “musts” and must nots” for YEP-D?

Since we are taking the workshop to online stage this year, packing a bag with

necessary items is no longer relevant. However, having adequate amount of

coffee is crucial! In addition to this, please make sure that your internet

connection quality is sufficient for attending this workshop on Zoom.

Q5. Is it a competition?

In the past years, except 2016, there was not a competitive dimension of YEP-D.

However, one of the new features that we introduce last year was the competition

on team basis. After each task, teams’ policy proposals will be scored by the jury,

which consists of 5 economists. The team that collects most points after 6 tasks

will be named as the winner of YEP-D 2021 competition. Nevertheless, it is key

to keep in mind that competition is only one dimension of the workshop.

Q6. What happens after the selection process?

In case of admission to YEP-D, you will receive an e-mail that includes initial

briefing file, your team and its members, as well as all the wherewithal

information to get you started. You will also receive a list of recommended

readings to help you get prepared for the workshop.

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