In short, Yep-D is a 36-hour marathon of problem solving and economic policy making. What is the project? Targeting thirty senior year or graduate level students of chiefly economics and finance, the project involves nurturing policy analysis, collective decision making and professional communication skills based on a set of pre-defined yet realistic scenarios related to local-global linkages keeping the main emphasis on the U.S. economy.
How will it be implemented?
Toward the aims stated above a two-day workshop will be organized with participants, invited speakers, moderators and press. The workshop will host short lectures, information sessions and a contest-like setup so as to facilitate a creative discussion environment.
Why is it important?
Despite the quality and depth of formal education in universities, skills related to intellectual/professional discussion, decision making under tight constraints and effective reporting are not widespread. Furthermore, a goal-oriented attitude often seems to be a missing asset which is mostly gained in a rather late stage of a professional’s career. In a rapidly changing economic and business environment; however, relatively earlier acquirement of such skills would be of high value-added.
What will be the results?
Expected outcome-at-large of the project on the side of participants is to gain a holistic view as well as an elevated capacity of re-generating the individual skills mentioned above. In addition to those, formation of a follow-up network in which the participants might share views and experiences during their subsequent career paths.